Friday, March 18, 2016

I Love Donald Trump! (Though not for reasons you might expect)

Changing The World Starts With You
Jay Shetty explains why changing the world begins with us.
Posted by The Huffington Post on Friday, February 26, 2016

I never thought I would say this, but I actually learned to love Donald Trump tonight. And not because I love how crazy he is or because I found something he said extremely funny. The love I discovered for him tonight is Christlike love.

The video above sums up many of my of the thoughts I have had over the past few years really well. And it addresses one of the questions I believe the most difficult to answer: How do we change the world? The answer is: by starting with ourselves!

The greatest debate in America right now is easily the presidential race, and the majority of the comments I hear/read on the topic are about how terrible Donald Trump is as an individual, businessman, and/or potential president. Before I say anything else, let me be clear that in no way am I intending to express support for Donald Trump as president by this post. However, as much as I may disagree with some (OK, a lot) of the things he says, Donald Trump is not a perfect human being (and neither are any of the other remaining candidates for that matter).

Have we all forgotten what the ONLY PERFECT INDIVIDUAL to walk this earth taught us? In Matthew 7:1-5 (as well as 3 Nephi 14:1-5), the Savior of mankind taught us that we are all hypocrites when we judge others. Believe it or not, the Son of God sacrificed Himself for Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders just as much as He did for you. As soon as I realized the undeniable truthfulness of this fact, I felt the love of Christ for each of these individuals in a powerful way which certainly surprised me! 

So next time you feel the urge to bash on one of them, please remember this post and "first cast out the beam out of thine own eye" (Matthew 7:3; see also 3 Nephi 14:3). You may be surprised what happens...


  1. It is great to remember that everyone, even presidential candidates are children of God. When we do remember this, we have to learn how to show love for them as human beings without supporting all of their ideas and opinions. I think it's an interesting balance that you have to find anytime you love someone!

  2. So true. I always struggle to keep up with politics as much as I should, but I've often been judgmental of so many things that are said or done by leaders. Your perspective is a much more helpful and calming reminder, but I also realized a while back that most government officials are work on things that they are bound by law not to mention for public safety and national security. And then after all that effort they get no reward other than their own sense of well doing. So much of others we know remains unknown to each of us, let alone how little we actually know about politicians.

  3. I really liked how you made this post seem controversial and then wrapped the Gospel into it, very smooth. Now I'm going to be controversial. It is our responsibility to judge our national leaders. We need to be able to discern between the candidates and choose the best one available for leadership positions. If a candidate is saying ridiculous things, we do need to judge and make sure that the appropriate actions are taken. That being said, I completely agree that we do not need to bash, demean, or demoralize them ourselves; the media does a fantastic job of that already. Also, there's a difference between judging, and being judgmental. Thank you for the great post!
